Thursday, January 24, 2008

i Google what in the world!

Hey folks Google seems to have done it again, with it's latest attempts at taking over the world....just kidding just kidding. Unless you've been living under a rock (not that there's anything wrong with that) I'm sure you're familiar with the word or rather term Google. They started off with just a simple search engine that worked extremely well. From there they invested and invented many things via the internet virtual world.

Their latest and by far one of our personal faves besides Google Earth is there creation of iGoogle. It's simply the Google search engine on steroids so to speak. With iGoogle it includes things such as a virtual ticking clock, lists of stock market indexes, weather in your area, and tons of other things.

The best part is that it's completely customizable.
However there are some draw backs, the main one being that it easily takes more processing power than the simple Google search engine. Even though most PC's can handle it now days if your's can't then you need to check out one of our rebuilt PC's. Sorry I just had to throw in that plug in! Also it seems kind of cluttered especially when all you want to do is search for something in a hurry. Anyways it's def. worth checking out sometime it's very easy to use and understand. I set myself up in literally 5 minutes. We rate iGoogle: 8 out of 10

Infinite Computer Designs

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